Michael Zagari

Are We Ready for Web 3.0?

Today, I’m talking about the next chapter of the internet. Web 3.0. The new web could be here sooner than we think from how we communicate, the way we work, to how we socialize, yet for the most part, Web 3.0 remains a mystery. Will the internet become something entirely different? Let’s review together what we know so far however before we jump into what Web 3.0, we should first understand Web 1.0.

The Creation of The Internet

The first stage of the internet was a system of physical wiring and protocols on how to communicate.

The original internet was invented in the 1970’s by the US government to protect its nuclear weapons from hacking. It didn’t take the government long to realize that a single computer controlling all the rockets in the peak cold war was a recipe for disaster. So, they built a decentralized network of multiple computers instead.

From a commercial use, the internet was viewed differently. In 1990, the Internet was a bunch of connected computers with the first application created by Tim Berners-Lee. In its early days, the web was a niche tool, used almost exclusively by academics. Mass adoption came five years later with the introduction of browsers like Mosaic and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Users would simply browse by clicking text and images. In other words, Web 1.0. was a view only experience.

Web 2.0

In the early 2000’s. Web 2.0 was born and was designed to link programs to content, building rich applications. We’re talking about the rise of tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Netflix and thousands of other applications build on top of Web 1.0. Read only, remember?

Web 2.0 was a read and write experience where users could not only access the data but they could experience the internet in a more meaningful way. The dynamic interactive nature of web 2.0 allowed for the development of social networks.

Web 2.0 experienced 3 major consumer adoption phases that shaped its entire identity as we know it today.

  • Mobile — Smartphones took us from a few hours per day at our desktops to always being connected. You know we’re all guilty of this and yes for the most part, Apps and notifications rule our lives.

  • Social — Uber, YouTube and Facebook helped us to show our faces to the public. These companies made it easy to create, share, interact and recommend. We go from sharing photos with friends to getting into strangers’ cars.

  • Cloud — Amazon, Google and Microsoft made it cheap to build on the web. Instead of having to buy and maintain expensive hardware infrastructure, you can now rent what you need. All at a low-cost from a variety of data centers around the world.

30 years later after the read and write only era of the internet, 3 billion users are now connected to each other within a much bigger, faster and more mysterious web all powered by enormous data centers.

Closed Source Networks

The Internet has become centralized. It’s essentially a variety of closed source systems interacting with each other.

Closed source networks become exponentially more valuable as they gain more users. For example, let’s say you join WhatsApp to talk to your friends. Mom joins WhatsApp to talk to you. Dad joins WhatsApp to talk to mom. Before you know it, the whole world is using WhatsApp. This structure makes it very difficult for users to leave these types of closed source networks.

In exchange for using these free services online, you’re buy-in is your data. If you give up control of your privacy, you can continue to use these networks.

Companies like Facebook receive monetary benefits by selling your data to advertisers and they are not alone.

In this digital era, customer value is a direct function of network size. That means users are less likely to leave. Start-ups can’t compete. Media, developers, and creators have no choice but to play ball.

The network’s pull is simply too strong.

Introducing Web 3.0

Today, Web 3.0 is striving to build verifiability into its core network, linking content and programs directly to each other, removing intermediaries, and building decentralized protocols.

In short, taking what bitcoin did to money and applying that model to everything we do online.

The next era of the internet is a movement of different technologies designed to give users control of their data and make the internet more decentralized, verifiable, and secure.

In other words, Web 3.0 is a design built to read, write and own.

The group of technologies and applications are striving to reform and regain control over the internet through the development of new projects built on Web 3.0. These projects include internet infrastructure, crypto assets, new communication technologies, and mass consumer apps like social networks.

Decentralization Network

With Web 3.0 – the blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger of who holds what in a network. This can be money, property titles, medical records. Anything someone would care to own.

Decentralized means every user in the network has an up-to-date copy of the ledger. This makes the records unchangeable. If someone messes with the ledger, the rest of the network rejects it.

New records or blocks are made unbackable with cryptography which is impossibly complicated math that takes a lot of computing power.

Users providing that computing power are miners. They get paid in cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin) for securing the ledger and mining makes the cryptocurrency scarce, giving it economic value.

Building with Blockchain Technology

Speaking of blockchain, you can think of blockchains as automation of trust.

Users don’t need to trust records because they’re verified by the network. Trust is coded into the system itself, distributed across all network participants.

There is no charging central intermediary with an agenda. It’s a self-governing networked community of complete strangers. The same way society pays you money for giving it what it needs, blockchains pay you coins for giving the network what it needs.

Different blockchains demand different value. It can be security, storage, computation, bandwidth, attention. Think art, insurance, real estate, intellectual property, credit cards, lawyers. You’ll be able to trade it all without middlemen, using decentralized applications built on Ethereum or other smart contract blockchains like Solana instead. Trustless and permissionless. Cheaper and faster.

What Is This Week’s Takeaway?

What will your investment decisions look like in Web 3.0? And, will you adapt to this digital transformation? Or will your lack of knowledge leave your data and your money vulnerable?

If you think Web 3.0 is simply a buzzword or a catchy marketing pitch to attract an audience, you might be a missing on a great opportunity. Instead, play it safe by asking questions and learn how the new chapter of the internet will work.

Remember, no one really knew what the internet would look like so be curious and continue to do your research.

Talk soon,



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Insurances: Insurance products and services are offered by Mandeville Advisors licensed as life agents through Zagari, Simpson & Associates Inc. Your Mandeville Advisor will ensure you understand which company you are dealing with for the products and services offered to you.

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